Belt Drive
Wi-Fi Belt Drive
Wi-Fi BBU Belt Drive
LED Wi-Fi BBU Belt Drive
BBU Belt Drive
Chain Drive
BBU Chain Drive
Wi-Fi Chain Drive
Wi-Fi Screw Drive
Screw Drive
LED Wi-Fi BBU Wall Mount
LED BBU Wall Mount
Wall Mount Pro Series
Connected Pro Series
TriloG™ Pro Series
IntelliG® Pro Series
ReliaG® Pro Series
DC Battery Backup Wall Mount Wi-Fi
DC Battery Backup Capable Wall Mount
Ultra-Quiet Belt Drive with Dual LED Lighting
Ultra-Quiet Belt with Camera, LED and Battery
Ultra-Quiet Belt with Camera and Dual LED
½ HP AC Belt Drive Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener
Heavy Duty Chain with LED and Battery
DC Chain Drive Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener
½ HP AC Chain Drive Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener
¾ HP AC Chain Drive Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener
Smart Opener with Dual LED and Battery
DC Battery Backup Chain Drive Wi-Fi
Apartment House Trolley Operator
Heavy-Duty Hoist - Rated up to 60 cycles per hour
Heavy-Duty Trolley - Rated for 60 cycles per hour
Light-Duty Counter Door - Rated 4 cycles per hour
Medium-Duty Hoist - Rated 15 cycles per hour
Medium-Duty Jackshaft - Rated 15 cycles per hour
Medium-Duty Trolley - Rated 15 cycles per hour
Standard-Duty Hoist - Rated 30 cycles per hour
Standard-Duty Jackshaft - Rated 30 cycles per hour
Standard-Duty Trolley - Rated 30 cycles per hour
Standard-Duty Hoist Fire Door - 30 cycles per hour
Trolley Operator - Logic 5.0
Door Lock Hoist/Jackshaft Operator - Logic 5.0
Door Lock Jackshaft Operator - Logic 5.0
Apartment Trolley Operator - Logic 5.0
Jackshaft Operator - Logic 5.0
Gearhead Hoist Operator - Logic 5.0
Hoist Operator - Logic 5.0
Slide Door Operator - Logic 5.0
Gearhead Trolley Operator - Logic 5.0
Gearhead Slide Door Operator - Logic 5.0
Commercial Dock Door Operator
Light-Duty Commercial Operator for Sectional
Light-Duty Commercial/Residential Door Operator
Light-Duty Commercial Operator for Rolling Doors
Medium-Duty Jackshaft Operator
Medium-Duty Slow-Speed Hoist Operator
Medium-Duty Hoist Operator
Medium-Duty Gear-Reduced Jackshaft Operator
Medium-Duty Trolley Operator
Industrial-Duty Wishbone Arm Barrier Operator
Mega Arm HP Commercial DC Barrier Gate
Mega Arm Sprint Tower HS Commercial DC Barrier
24VDC Heavy-Duty Variable Speed Swing Gate
24VDC Heavy-Duty Variable Speed Slide Gate
24VDC Continuous Duty Industrial Slide Gate
24VDC High-Traffic Commercial Slide Gate
Residential / Light Commercial Slide Gate
1/2 and 1 HP AC High Traffic Commercial Slide
24VDC High-Traffic Commercial Swing Gate
12VDC Residential/Light Commercial Swing Gate
12VDC Solar Residential Linear Actuator Package
24VDC Residential/Light Commercial Actuator
1/2 and 1 HP AC High Traffic Commercial Swing
24VDC Residential Linear Actuator
Carwash Hoist Operator
Carwash Jackshaft Operator
Carwash Trolley Operator
Hoist Operator
Jackshaft Operator
Medium Duty Hoist Operator
Medium Duty Jackshaft Operator
Medium Duty Trolley Operator
Jackshaft Release Operator
Model SL Slide Door Operator
Model T Drawbar Operator
Center Mounted Gear Reduced Operator
Center Mounted Gearhead
Gear Reduced Jackshaft Operator
Gear Reduced Hoist Operator with DC motor
Model EMG Hazardous Duty Gear Reduced Hoist
Model GSL Gear Reduced Slide Door Operator
Heavy Duty Drawbar Trolley Operator
Gear Reduced Hoist Operator
Model WMG Watertight Gear Reduced Hoist
Single Arm Barrier Gate Operator
Wishbone Arm Barrier Operator with DC Motor
Vehicular Slide Gate Operator with DC Motor
Commercial Slide Gate Operator with DC Motor
Model RSG Slide Gate Operator
Model SGI Slide Gate Operator
Actuating Swing Arm Operator
Model CSWI Industrial Swing Gate Operator
Commercial Swing Gate Operator with DC Motor
Model D-SWI Industrial Swing Gate Operator
Medium Duty Swing Gate Operator